Friday, 22 August 2008

Happy Birthday you nerd!

Yesterday, Joanne got me to challenge YS in an arm wrestling match. Needless to say, my entire arm is now aching. Also I never knew that YS could possibly be that strong.

Note to self: never ever freaking arm wrestle before a freaking paper.

And Chinese sucked D:

Meanwhile, it is YS's birthday tomorrow, but we celebrated it early. We got him a pencil case with stationary(the irony is that on it is says "Shoo no pens in here"), a super expensive sennheiser earphones, a music box and a bunch of fluffy keychains.

And YS looked like he was about to cry :D

So this year, a achieved in making YS feel touched. Next year, we are gonna aim to make him cry(which makes his less manly than he was)

Happy birthday you idiot nerd! :D

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