Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Year 2 Senior :D

So I'm finally a year2! >:D I finally have this 'senior' feeling :D I'm one of the crazy seniors. :D No longer the youngest batch at school. :D

And this also means that I have year1s to bully! >:D Haha, they look like noobs. :P That is, until they turn year2 next year.

This year we have 9 year3 classes, makes me think that its rather overloaded. We cant sit in the 700+ seater audi together now, since theres 900+ of us here. And theres an increase in staff too.

In school I was on a high. The lot of us were really hyper this morning, especially Tricia. Once we met each other on the concourse we were running around as per normal actually. On the way to school I saw afew NUSHians in my car and I was tempted to wind down the window and yell good morning to them.

But as seniors, we cant go so hyper over this. -_-" We had to 'teach' the new ones how to sing the school song, say the school creed and stuff. And mass dance was totally speechless. I cant dance for nuts.

And also I got 2 presents, one from Tricia(a nice necklace :D) and SuChang(a cat cellphone deco :D).

Finally, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MELISSA CHUA QIAN LIN aka MEL!!! :D The person I know who turns 14 this year first.

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